============================================================= This document follows Semantic Versioning 2.0.0 specification ------------ https://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html ------------ ============================================================= Version 1.1.3 * 2021 OCT 27 09:19 EDT * Added "Dark Omens" from the "Winds of Magic" DLC Version 1.1.2 * 2021 SEP 17 11:08 EDT * Removed preloading of Bootstrap files to reduce console complaints * Added Animation transitions between random selections * Hide unnecessary data on initial page load * Updated Mission data to display "Helmgart" for Act 1, 2, 3 & Finale missions Version 1.0.1 * 2021 SEP 15 14:22 EDT * Default width/height set in HTML to quiet google pagespeed analysis * Image Width/Height overwritten by stylesheet when loaded Version 1.0.0 * 2021 SEP 15 11:58 EDT * Initial implimentation